To explore is to be constantly in a state of discovery, facing a world that is ever new. Every experience is a new experience, but our little human minds can sometimes trick us into forgetting this obvious truth. Often, once we consider ourselves to have done already something, we stopped discovering. For this reason, being an obvious beginner can be a true gift. The Branch Hoppers Explorers began their first ever outings with Explorers’ Club this past week. We explored three of our favorite destinations in Explorers Club and were graced with a sense of complete newness.
We begin at the 100 Aker Wood, playing some interesting games, then gathering for our first meeting. We considered what it means to explore. We got to know a little bit more about one another. We decided how we will explore

together as a group and considered the best way to go about this. The Explorers’ jobs were explained, and we learned how to start every outing with a discussion about safety and being prepared. Then we began our journeys!
Seven hours in 100 Aker Wood is only a drop in the bucket. This patch of wild is our Explorers’ Club group sit spot, a place where we meet and develop our earth skills, a place that every group will visit again and again. And still every single time we discover some new path, plant, animal sign, or regal bird. This Explorer must say that this particular group was really fun! These boys had great spirits, worked well together, and were willing to jump into whatever we were doing. They were also quite creative, and helped to guide every outing. It is hard to sum up every day for a summer outing report, and this Explorer has learned not to try. However, what can be supplied is a list of highlights which must be strung together into a cohesive story through the reader’s imagination:

Discovering earth shelters, learning about nettles, exploring nurse logs, finding animal tracks, touching on navigation, games of
Spider's Web, learning how to identify new plants, considering the calls of the many birds, an impromptu obstacle course complete with balance beam, crawling challenges, and stealthy stalking, stories about the magic of the outdoors, a quiet sit spot, a blindfolded drum stock, discovering new trails, making decisions as a group, finding a beautiful patch of old forest, games of
Jays and Juncos, a special version

Spider's Web created on the spot, lady fern, vanilla leaf, winter wrens, crow calls, eagles, a beautiful lake, working through the wet weather, staying warm and dry, having fun while doing it, a wild game of
Wolfpack, discovering the stream, learning about poison hemlock, eating salmon berries, climbing sandstone, poking the around in tidepools, and shouting thanks to the big wide ocean that holds us all.

This was a wonderful adventure. Much thanks to all the Explorers for your great spirit!
Much thanks to all the parents for your support!
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